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The Autumn Term has seen significant work by Loreto College’s new Eco Group and Environmental Prefects, culminating, in late November, in a daffodil-planting event to raise funds for Marie Curie.

On behalf of the College, Year 14 students Khaled Al Hasan and Jessie McGilligan recently presented Barbara Dempsey, representative of Marie Curie, with a cheque for £625.00. Khaled and Jessie, along with the other Year 14 Environmental Prefects, led the whole school daffodil planting event around the grotto area at the front of the school campus.

Each class was allocated a time to work with the Year 14 team, who taught the younger students how to plant in the bulbs – signs of future hopes in the Loreto grounds. The proceeds were donated to Marie Curie.

Mrs Siobhan McCarry (Senior Leader) wished to express our thanks to Barbara for her visit to Loreto College, as well as expressing her appreciation for the work of the College’s environmental team. Not only have they encouraged outdoor learning, but they have shown wonderful team-work with the younger students, alongside supporting the work of Marie Curie. Mrs McCarry added that the College’s staff are very proud of everyone for taking part.

Presentation: Loreto College Senior Prefects Jessie McGilligan and Khlad Al-Hasan present a cheque for £625 to Barbara Dempsey of Marie Curie

Senior Prefect Grace McIntyre teaches Year 9 students how to plant daffodils during the whole-school planting event in the Loreto College grounds.

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