The winners in the annual Loreto College Poetry Competition were announced recently, and have been rewarded with book tokens.
Students were asked to write poems on the theme of The Environment, and there was a wide range of entries, addressing all aspects of this very topical theme.
After deliberation by members of the English Department, the winners were:
Year 8: First place Donal Ward, second place Una Moore, third place Oisin McGlone.
Years 9/10: First place Sophie Holmes, second place Ava Heaney, third place Dean McCool.
Years 11/12: First place Joshua McGurgan, second place Caitlin Harron.
Years 13/14: First place Alanna Benson, second place Orla McHenry.
Mrs Little (Head of English) congratulated the winners on their superb poems, and thanked all those who had entered and assisted with this year’s competition.