Loreto College students and staff were sad to say goodbye to Head of Technology, Mr Sean Murtagh, today. In just over eleven years at Loreto, Mr Murtagh made a tremendous contribution to the College, being at the forefront of Gaelic Football coaching, alongside all his hard work in Technology. The very many students who benefited from Mr Murtagh’s good humour and expertise in both sports coaching and Technology teaching will have fond memories of him, and will certainly miss him!
During lockdown periods, Mr Murtagh took the lead in steering staff members through the complexities of Google Classroom, and other aspects of online learning; members of staff at Loreto are greatly indebted to Mr Murtagh for his endless patience and assistance, as well as for his excellent company.
We wish Mr Murtagh every success and happiness in his new post as Head of Technology at Dungannon Integrated College- much nearer to home for him, in his beloved Co. Tyrone.