The College is committed to reflecting the values, attitudes and moral perspective which are consistent with a Christian conscience and with the teachings of the Catholic Church. We seek to know and respect each pupil as an individual person within a caring school community. The College acknowledges that parents are the first and foremost educators of their children. The close partnership between school and home is recognised as an essential element of both pupil welfare and the success of the College.
We encourage pupils to strive for the highest standards in all aspects of their school life. To facilitate this, the College promotes a disciplined atmosphere in which mutual respect is fostered, and within which effective teaching and learning can take place. Although high academic standards are pursued, they are not regarded as an end in themselves. Pupils are guided towards an understanding that, if knowledge is to become wisdom, it must be combined with moral values and humility.
The College actively encourages initiative and positive leadership. These qualities lead pupils to grow in freedom, and to an awareness that they are personally responsible for the choices they make. At the same time, the College cultivates a sensitivity towards the needs of society and an awareness of the inequality of opportunity within the human family.
Loreto College strives to develop sincere, free, and caring citizens who are sensitive to the needs of others. We encourage our pupils to approach life in a thoughtful, reflective, and discerning manner and to be both willing and able to play their part in the betterment of society.
“Fill your mind with everything that is true, everything that is noble “
(Phil 4 : 8-9 )