Head of Senior Mathematics
Mr F Collins
Head of Junior Mathematics
Mrs G Diamond
Teaching Staff
Dr J McAuley
Miss N Lynch
Mrs C Mullan
Mrs J Roantree
Mrs K Brolly
Mr T Close
In the Mathematics Department we aim to promote in all pupils, a love of mathematics, an enjoyment in working at mathematics and an ability to apply mathematical skills when the need arises.
More specifically we aim to:
• Provide a stimulating and creative atmosphere for the learning of mathematics at all levels;
• Give each pupil a real understanding of the techniques and concepts involved;
• Give pupils a realisation of the vital presence of mathematics in everyday life;
• Give pupils an awareness and appreciation of mathematics as a creative subject in its order and pattern in number and shape;
• Produce pupils skilled in computation;
• Increase each pupil’s ability to think logically;
• Motivate pupils to think for themselves.
Mrs Diamond presents the academic award for Mathematics at KS3 to Sean Hughes

Key Stage 3
At KS3 Students cover the same curriculum with lessons differentiated where necessary. Students cover a range of topics that fall under the categories of Number, Shape Space & Measure, Algebra and Handling Data. The material covered will help provide a solid base in preparing for GCSE. We use various learning techniques to help support the delivery of the course and encourage all students to try their best.
Key Stage 4 (GCSE)
Students at this level will build on and extend the knowledge and competencies developed at Key Stage 3 to complete their GCSE Mathematics. Students will follow one of two routes based on progress made in KS3. We follow the CCEA specification for both GCSE Mathematics and GCSE Further Mathematics.

GCSE Mathematics
This is a two-year course in which students sit two modules – one at the end of Year 11 and the other at the end of Year 12. The first module is one calculator exam. The second module has two exams – one calculator and the other non-calculator. The level of these modules will depend on the ability of the student. Approximately 65% of students take this route.
GCSE Further Mathematics
This course is designed to broaden the experience of students whose mathematical ability is above average and provides a helpful lead into the A-Level Mathematics course. The students are given the opportunity to sit their GCSE Mathematics in Year 11 and GCSE Further Mathematics in Yr12. Approximately 35% of students take this route.
We follow the CCEA A-Level syllabus.
The specification addresses 3 areas
• Pure Mathematics
• Mechanics
• Statistics
AS Mathematics
In Year 13 students study the two modules: AS Unit 1 (Pure 60%) and AS Unit 2 (Statistics and Mechanics 40%). All modules are examined in the summer term. Students are expected to build upon the higher-level GCSE topics in this course. The AS qualification is awarded at the end of Year 13 and is also worth 40% of the overall A2 maths grade.
A2 Mathematics
In Year 14 students complete the full A-level course, studying the following Modules: A2 Unit 1 (Pure 60%) and A2 Unit 2 (Statistics and Mechanics 40%). All modules are examined in the summer term. Students are expected to build upon their knowledge from AS topics in all elements of this course.
Activities and Competitions
Maths Club takes place every Tuesday afternoon and everyone is welcome. It takes place in the library, after school (3.20 – 4.15) under the supervision of Maths teachers and Senior Prefects. Students can get help with maths problems, one-to-one, or get involved in maths challenges and maths puzzles
All Yr13 AS Mathematics students complete the Senior Mathematics Challenge and many receive gold, silver and bronze awards
Some Yr9 students complete the Junior Mathematics Challenge and many receive gold, silver and bronze awards.
All KS3 students and a significant number of KS4 students take part in Maths Week activities.
A 4-person team of Yr13/Yr14 students enters the Senior Mathematics Challenge team event
A 4-person team comprising 2 Yr9 and 2 Yr10 students takes part in the Junior Mathematics Challenge.
Career Note
GCSE Mathematics, with English Language, is a basic qualification for all careers. Mathematics is important for further studies in areas such as Actuary, Accountancy, Economics, Banking, Business Studies, Management, Finance, Scientific Research, Engineering, Technology, ICT and Mathematics studies . . . The list is endless.
Some helpful Websites
We know sometimes it can be hard helping and supporting students at home so here are some useful links that will take you to revision pages, questions and activities: